Dec 6, 2006

The Baton is Passed On

The Baton of Wretchedness and Illness that is.

I was feeling much better this afternoon. As tea was cooked (Broccoli and Cashewnuts) we tried to get in touch with Nicole on Skype, and after some fiddling around at her end we finally got to see her, which was lovely. Eloise was on fine form but flagging; she ate her tea then ate her ice cream but was starting to microsleep so we cut off short and I popped her in the bath with some hot chocolate for five minutes, enough time for a quick wash before bed.

We read a little book about Koalas then she vomited repeatedly all over the floor. I attempted to get her to the bathroom but slipped in something - I prefer not to try to think about what - and we both ended up on the floor. Meanwhile Matilda moved in to "help tidy" the four puddles of puke which were liberally dotted - I say dotted, more poured really - around the floor. At which point I admit to raising my voice - not that it did any good.

Thank goodness for wooden floors!

We think it's a combination of tiredness and whatever viral thing I have had which obviously she has as well.

Her Nursery Christmas party is on Friday. I hope we can go. Certainly Caterpillar Kids is now off the agenda tomorrow.

I think this is what they call a "Baptism of Fire."

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