Jan 8, 2007

Back to the Old Routine

Communications Mast No blog yesterday. Sorry about that... was very tired. Anyway I think I deserve a day off every now and then. You have no idea how time-consuming this is! Which, from my point of view, is probably a good thing.

Yesterday, if memory serves, was Nicole's day off and as she enjoys cooking so much (honestly!) I let her cook us a barbecue for supper. Very nice it was too. I think it was supposed to be aubergines (eggplants to the colonials) stuffed with ricotta with roasty toasty potato wedges, and indeed it almost was, except that the aubergines weren't stuffed and the riccota was mascarpone. But it was tasty, and was followed up by barbecued nectarines with caramel sauce. Me Yum Me Yum as Eloise would say.

Other than that, it's a bit of a blank to be honest... oh hang on it's coming trickling back... we lounged in the morning after a lie in and fussed over Eloise who has developed a rash and her leg and arm. We think it's something she sat on or rubbed against while gardening. But we ummed and ahhed over whether we should expose it sunlight and decided due to pressures of time as much as anything to stick with what we know and bike up the brook for a bit. It was quite hot so we only went as far as Thistle Street and paddled for a while under the bridge there.

And other than the BBQ that was it really. I've run out of books again so I need to go to the library tomorrow... and the old routine, which I vaguely remember will start to reassert itself after the New Year hiatus(or limbo week as they seem to call it here).

This morning we were fairly late to nursery as Eloise again slept in til nine o'clock or so; in fact she had to be woken up.

She has moved up a room now and is no longer a Turtle but a Starfish. The new room has more kids in it and Bernadette told me that the activities will be more challenging this year. She settled back in really well and was sitting down to her morning tea with ten or so other toddlers as we left.

We went up to Mount Coot-tha as it's Monday - the old routine reasserts itself again - but shock horror walked away from the car in the other direction along a mystery road which led up into the woods.

Actually it wasn't much to write home about. After a couple of hundred yards we came to an enormous communications mast which we oggled at for a bit, sniffing the eucalyptus in the air and another strange smell which to Nicole was electrical but to me was more reminiscent of a pudding of some kind with a cinnamon tinge. Hmm.

We couldn't stay long as Nicole had to be at work. I cooked pasta a la Neil for lunch with peppers and courgettes and nuts and stuff. Was nice.

Afternoon exploits later, when I've processed the pictures.

And if you're wpndering about videos, I did point the camera at Nicole today, much to her annoyance. However I am being defeated by the camera which only records in DVD format which doesn't work on the internet. And, when I try to transfer stuff from the camera to the computer, the software crashes.


  1. The computer crashing is my ploy to prevent other people from seeing things I don't want them to see... such as Neil pretending to turn the damn video recorder off but then pointing it at me whilst I am chattering away about nothing in particular. I take on a very silent role whilst the video recorder is on generally, but then that could be Neil's ploy to keep me quiet.

  2. i have deleted that, as promised. Anyway it's your fault, you bought the bloody thing. Fly on the wall reportage is what it's all about don't you know.

  3. Bollocks! I could always post it on freecycle if you don't behave yourself!
