Jan 11, 2007


Fast Approach Another dull day in Australia... at the beach; not that dull, really?

Missed Caterpillar Kids because Eloise didn't wake up in time (let sleeping babies lie? Let sleeping Dads lie more like), so we went to the beach instead. Much wading was done; the tide was out-ish and we didn't know whether it was coming in our going further out... much wading later established it was coming in and we returned with my shorts wet and Eloise being carried.

A couple of times prior to that I left Eloise in the water unattended while I went to fetch the tennis ball that Tiny wouldn't retrieve. The second time Eloise fell over and sat there looking at me up to her neck in water, completely not panicking, which is good. But best to carry her I thought.

There were lots of little fishes zapping around in the shallows which provided great interest, not only to the sprog once she'd noticed them, but also to Matilda who spent quite some time chasing them, unsuccessfully needless to say.

For the photo above, Eloise was supposed to pose demurely, hugging the tree like a good hippy. As you can see she had her own ideas.

Lunch: beans on toast. Yum!

Nicole got back from work and we cycled over to Fresco's at Stafford to stock up on veggies etc. Eloise had a mini-tantrum with Nicole over an ice cream which was quite satisfying in a "she's always so well behaved when she comes here with her father" kind of way.

We ate our ice creams at a playground on the way back and Eloise stroked a golden retriever as it cleaned her chocolate-coated lower arm.

Tea: Broccoli with Cashew Sauce on a bed of Rice. Yum.

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