Feb 18, 2008

Beach Non-Fun

Smeggy Beach at Point Cartwright The next day we thought it would be a great idea to go up to the beach at Mooloolaba, as we hadn't been there for ages.

The lesson to take from our exploits that day (Sunday if you're interested) was to check the weather forecast before you go.

For although the weather was bright and warm in an admittedly fragile way in Brisbane, as we progressed further North, it became increasingly gloomy and began to rain as we got onto the Sunshine Coast.

At the beach it was windy and cold. We retired to the picnic area on the other side of Point Cartwright and tucked into our leftover party food whereupon it began to rain.

After gorging ourselves we went over to the beach to find it encrusted in a layer of what can only be described as smeg, which wobbled vaguely in the wind due to it sitting on another layer of -this time foamy- smeg.

The entertaining rocks we far from entertaining for us at least as they were, well, covered in smeg.

For Matilda there was a token of enjoyment to be had as she found a steaming great turd of questionable origin and proceeded to roll in it, earning her a cold and unproductive shower on the way back.

The way back came very soon in fact as Eloise stubbed her toe and knocked off the blackened toe nail from a previous toe-stubbing and began to shriek in agony and disdain.

And who could blame her.

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