Jun 4, 2007


Natural Bridge, Queensland On Saturday Gary and Julie came to visit.

They came and picked up Nicole at lunchtime with their long-time friend and Brisbanite Fiona - Eloise was asleep - and Squeaky and I followed them down later when Herself had awakened to New Farm to lunch at a restaurant whose name I don't remember.

It was a cool, overcast windy day. We were therefore sitting outside.

I dined on veggie-smedgy stuff which was quite nice. Meat was prevalent elsewhere. Eloise was pushed over without provocation by a little boy who then under duress apologised half-heartedly and was then led away by a contrite and embarrassed mother, juggling.

We then went on a CityCat - big-ass motor catamarans used as public transport up and down the river.

Having expended all my organisational time and expertise on Eloise I was dressed in a pair of T-shirt, shorts and flip-flops, sorry thongs. I'll repeat that. A PAIR of thongs. Flip flops.

I froze my lower legs off sitting and standing and chasing, outside, on the rear deck as this retro bullet of a ship hurtled up the river.

"We should go and stand at the front" I said. Pure Genius. The eddies formed around the passenger compartment ahead of the deck on which we were standing had made the areas around my knees and beneath the least windy.

Having said all that, it was nice.

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