May 5, 2008

Worm Torture

Worm Hunter Unfortunately I left my stylish floppy Aussie hat wot I bought at Mission Beach years ago at Pam's Cafe so we had to go back to Nudgee Beach after spending literally minutes on housework pre-parents-in-law (Nicole spent hours, literally).

The tide was out and in the little rivers of run-off our favourite green worms were wiggling around very invitingly.

So Eloise did a spot of worm hunting, not the most challenging of sports by anybody's standards. But the twist with Eloise is that, no matter how much we try to prepare her for the inevitable by explaining about death, mortality and the ultimate futility of it all, she just doesn't get it.

"That worm is going to die you know. It can't breathe in the air. It lives in water. It needs to be in water."

"Why?" etc etc etc

"Just put it back"


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