May 4, 2008

Gardening: a Hotbed of Conflict

My features form with a change in the weather After we got back from little India's party today Eloise mysteriously failed to go to sleep, while Nicole went out to do some secret shopping.

So after a while I relented and released the tiger from her cage, and suggested that we do some gardening. Just some sweeping up in preparation for the arrival of you-know-who. We wouldn't want our garden looking like a tip now would we.

(Not that it did, mind you)

So yesterday it was mowed - hasn't grown much in the last few weeks actually since I can't really remember the last time we had any rain. Things are rather drying out and the grass out front is starting to turn yellow... still three mowers full went onto the compost heap.

So today's task anyhoo was to sweep up leaves and Eloise embarked on this with great enthusiasm and aplomb.

There wasn't really any conflict. Eloise in the picture is yelling at me to stop messing around with the camera for goodness' sake and pay more attention to the valuable contribution that she's making. Approximately. I think the expression may convey slight hostility because I was ignoring her.


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