Aug 11, 2007

Bank Adds Insult to Injury

After a nice time at the beach today where Eloise made some little friends, and the dogs chased a horse which was thankfully about half a mile away, I went to fetch Nicole a replacement bicycle helmet for her broken bonce protector.

Imagine my horror when the card transaction I attempted was declined.

Further imagine my horror when on returning home and checking on internet banking, that our account is $200 overdrawn.

Imagine my confusion when the statement shows four Debit Card Auth transactions whose values match exactly those fraudulently made some days ago on the infamous Chermside Crime Crawl.

So onto Westpac again who claim it's a glitch in their systems "which should sort itself out in a couple of days."

I'm seething!

In an approximation to the words of the Pet Shop Boys: what have we, what have we, what have we done to deserve this?

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