Jul 30, 2007

Wild Horse Mountain

From Wild Horse Mountain I dragged Her Nibs up to Wild Horse Mountain the other evening and clambered up the hill with her in the backpack, which was a bit of a struggle. It's pretty damn steep in places. Whilst marching up the hill, I recited "Room With A Broom" to her, six syllables at a time, but faltered just past the bit where the frog retrieves the wand, if that makes any sense at all.

I watched the sun go down, while she investigated the platform we were standed on, and decided that it was infested with whales.

I wouldn't give her the car keys, but she got my hanky at one point and kindly dropped it over the side for me.

On the way back, just as we were coming into Brisbane, there were signs warning of a "Smoke Hazard" and as we were coming down the main drag into town, a couple of miles from Grange we started to smell quite a sweet smoke, although we couldn't see it. The smell pervaded right until we got home. Seems there was a grass fire at Samford, to the North West that ignited, got back burned, then ignited again, and a fair bit of central Brisbane has been downwind.

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