Apr 17, 2007

Monkeying Around

Eloise's new skill for today in the pool is monkeying, that being the ability to move one's self along the edge of the pool hand over hand. She's always been reluctant to do it up until now but today she was monkeying around very well.

She still causes raised eyebrows from the teacher though... when we got in the pool I left her on the side while I climbed in. She took one look and jumped straight in, no floaties, no nothing, and sank straight to the bottom! Much flailing got her most of the way up to the top and she got back to the side with a little assistance.

They all need to have this experience, Valerie the teacher says.

This morning we found a new walk at Samford Forest which leads up a valley from a different car park, then climbs up a steep hill. It was very hot and dry there. We saw a few people up there. "Isn't it dry," they said.

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