Mar 6, 2007

Sing! Sing!

Eloise at the Window Nicole is feeling a bit rough today. Actually I am too. We are fighting of a cold, so sore throats, headaches and so on are prevalent.

To give Nicole a lie-in and a rest I took Eloise and the dogs out to Samford Forest. We stomped around - well I stomped around with Squeaky in the backpack and the dogs trailed on behind up hill and down hill through the vales.

We sang songs... well I sang songs; Eloise's contribution was to shout "Sing! Sing!" as each song finished. We ran the gamut from children's classics such as "Old McDonald" and "Row Your Boat" through to eccentric 70s and 80s rock such as "Wuthering Heights" and "Games Without Frontiers." Very jolly. We saw some other people there walking their dogs, which was a relief, but called for temporary reductions in volume.

After a nap we went swimming. Eloise got a promotion! She now wears a float on her back which keeps her legs in the air to facilitate more effective kick-kick-kicking. She made lots of progress and can now pull herself out of the pool and duck underneath the water to pick up objects. Valerie the teacher was very pleased at our progress. I was a proud Dad.

We went to Coles (a supermarket) on the way home, and had to go up and down the Travelator eight, yes eight times before Eloise was satisfied.

I have bibbled and yammered all day no matter the location. People have been looking at me strangely. I think I may be going mad.

Supper was stir-fried marinated tofu and vegetables. Eloise threw most of hers to the dogs, sending me defiant expressions with each perpetration. Her supper was cut short.

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