Mar 5, 2007

Jungle Tots

Vine Swinging I took Eloise along to a music group this morning, going by the name of Jungle Tots.

There was a lot of Good Verbing going on, and a considerable amount of squeaking. Eloise enjoyed it a lot.

Most of the songs revolved around fish and turtles and the like. Not what I call Jungle. I was expected sub-bass riffs and breakbeats. I commented on this to Tina the Teacher and she looked at me slightly strangely.

On balance, I have had more entertaining times in my life, but I think that Eloise enjoyed it a lot so I will probably sign up for the rest of the term and see how we go.

There was a lady there who I had met before at the playground, so at least there was a friendly face.

Eloise absolutely refused to go down for a nap today so instead we drew pictures with her new crayons (fish today) and jumped around to loud music, which was nice.

Then we cycled up to the bakery to get, well, bread, and stopped off at the playground on the way back, where Eloise ordered me around like a dog. "Come Here!" - foot stamps - "Now!"

After Nicole got back from work we walked the dogs at the Brook. Jungle Tots lady was at the duck pond. She must be following me around.

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