Mar 26, 2007


Eloise Eloise wouldn't have a nap today. She went to bed, by herself, with a bunch of books and pieces of paper and after an hour the call for Daddy went up so I got her and we played around, drawing and painting and generally getting up to no good.

We had music this morning and one of the mums admitted to having tailgated me down the road last night as I rode Nicole's bike back from our coffee rendezvous in Wilston. I was doing 40km/h at the time and quite proud to have reached the speed limit, and Jodie apologised, saying she was in a hurry... she still got called a maniac.

Eloise really enjoys the music class, though it still leaves me feeling a little bemused. There was another Dad there today, tagging along with his other half, but I didn't see him singing.

When Nicole finished work we met her down at the Park and played on the swings.

I made a slight cock-up at tea when I accidentally put cinnamon on the leeks instead of coriander. Well, the packets look the same. It tasted... unusual.

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