Oct 11, 2009


A Curl of Cloud and a Kiss from the Sun In another evening diversion I decided to visit Moogerah Dam. It's another one of those Scenic Rim places, and I seem to have rediscovered the Scenic Rim. So off I toddled.

No dramas this time punctuality-wise as I set of at three or so, didn't get lost or take any bizarre routes. It probably took a little over an hour to get there.

Dam is an interesting Australian word, in that it doesn't refer so much to the blocking structure containing the body of water as to the combination of the two elements. So the Lake is kind of part of the Dam as well as the dam, if you see where I'm going.

I walked onto the dam (note the little d) and looked out onto the Dam with Mount Greville off on the other side as the sun got lower in the sky.

I great spray of water was greatly spraying down on the dry side, feeding into a creek which meandered away into a gorge of some description.

But I tarried not as I was after dead trees, and I wandered around the edge of the Dam (note the big d) until I found some likely looking candidates.

Now it turns out that during the drought of 1995 Moogerah Dam sunk to a mere 1% capacity and has been falteringly deepening from that nadir of wateriness. This might explain the fact of trees of some size sitting not too far from the water's edge in a state of, well, death.

I spent a quiet couple of hours as the sun sank. The buzz of threatening sounding insects rose in direct un-proportion to the brightness of the day. But they did not bite.

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