Feb 19, 2007

Little Miss Possessive

When Eloise woke from her nap yesterday afternoon we went off to get some new library books from Chermside Library. Eloise was telling the other children there off for touching the books. She seems to think that they belong to her. She shouted "no no no" at them and wagged her finger at them menacingly. I questioned my own behaviour wondering whether she had picked up from me but I am sure I don't wag. Over a cup of coffee I recounted this to Neil who admitted that he is the culprit of finger wagging. Too much of the Wiggles?


  1. The wiggles don't wag their fingers, or waggle them even, for that matter. They wiggle them. Hence the name.

  2. You spend too much time watching ABC Kids pretending you are half asleep but really taking it all in!
