Feb 5, 2007

Home alone

The alarm clock went off at 05:30 as I was on an early. I arrived at work still half asleep and spent the rest of the day having a very blond day. Unfortunately, the girl I was buddied with was also having a blond day so we got through in a very haphazard manner.

I returned home tired, with a headache and in a bad mood. I decided I needed comfort food and was going to nip out to buy meat sausages and veggie sausages for bangers and mash alone but Eloise had a tantrum when I tried to leave alone. We all decided to go together and she then had a tantrum about this. Sometimes you can't win but this afternoon was not the day to be testing me. By the time we returned we decided Neil would heat up pasta and pesto left over from lunch and Eloise and I would eat after Neil left. It is his first night of his photography course at the University of Queensland.

I decided that I should take some paracetamol and felt much better about an hour later. Tea was tasty with onion, garlic and red wine gravy. Really a winter supper but nevermind. Eloise turned her nose up at supper after about a quarter of it. She didn't even want the icecream I served up for afters. She spent the time I was washing up hanging around the front gate. She went next door to "help" Peter water his garden and kept bringing Alice and I flowers.

During the bath she kept saying "wee wee" so we got out and I sat her over the toilet where she produced a poo. She was very proud of herself. After her bath she kept walking around saying "Daddy". I know that Neil won't believe this. After a couple of books she went off to bed. It is her first night without Neil and she seemed to miss him being here. I'm missing him too. It seems quite strange being home alone as it occurs so rarely.

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