Jan 16, 2012

Another Set of Visitors

One Year On After Mum had left, and after New Year, which was uneventful, thanks for asking, we had some more visitors in the shape of relatives-in-law, namely Josie, Nicole's cousin, who lives in Melbourne with her not-quite-husband mAdam; Adam, her not-quite-husband; John, her father and Nicole's Uncle; and Ros, his wife, Josie's mother and Nicole's Aunt.

They came for a flying visit and so we collected them from the airport and deposited them back there again afterwards.

In the intervening day or so we ate ourselves into a state of engorgement and rode the buses and CityCats up and down the river.

We introduced them to another Australian River City, but one where the water is water-coloured and the river can honestly be said to be a river rather then a big stream, and where the subtropical air is sweet with the fragrance of flowers of paradise. Which does tend to bring on Nicole's hayfever.

Anyway I think they enjoyed it, perhaps except the underground bits on the bus.

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