Jul 23, 2010

Well Done Award

Well Done Award As briefly mentioned previously, Eloise had a surprise in store on Thursday.

Nicole and I went along to the Grand Assembly where there were hundreds of kids in the undercover area... assembling.

Eloise finally spotted us and gave us a look of considerable perplexity but didn't seem unduly perturbed. Ironically it appeared that she hadn't put two and two together.

After the National Anthem and various details the awards started, and an epic awards session it was. Appreciation was overflowing, without wishing to in any way detract from the value of each individual award.

When Eloise's name was called out she temporarily removed her thumb from her mouth and looked around at us in surprise then confusion before making her way up to the front to be presented with her laminated well done award. She stood at the front with the other kids with the award proudly displayed just beneath her nose.

And she was and is terribly proud. She ran up to us before returning to her seat and said "Mum and Dad I got a well done award!" jumping up and down and showing us her little laminated card.

Ms Dale her teacher told me on the QT that the award was for great counting and telling her about adding numbers together. It's nice to get some encouragement.

She made Nicole take the card to the eyebrow-plucker to show them. Back came some haircare products by way of further congratulations. And the excitement continued.

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