Jul 20, 2010

Low Grade

Hard Day at the Orifice Eloise didn't really want to go this morning.

She said she was ill. She even stuck to her guns for a little while until I suggested that she couldn't spend all day in front of the telly - at which point she mysteriously perked up.

At pick up time though she was somewhat lacklustre and Teacher Stacey said that she hadn't been herself and she should get some rest.

She told me she didn't feel well in her tummy before requesting a trip to the bakery, where she ordered a sausage roll with tomato ketchup.

She decided she didn't like the sausage roll when we got home. Lucky dogs.

Anyway all this raises the spectre of mild illness... which is a bit of a worry because secretly, and don't tell her, she's up for an award at school assembly on Thursday for being able to add two numbers together or something.

Naturally I take credit.


  1. And I'm the one teaching statistics, the badly part is by-the-by!

  2. Anonymous3:41 AM

    If thet are the numbers I taught you, with such difficulty, I think I can claim the credit, ACTUALLY.

  3. I acknowledge your contribution, whoever you are, anonymous.
