Jun 26, 2010

Flowing Water

Rainforest Creek We had a spot of rain the other day, the first for a while, and things have been a bit overcast from time to time.

Yesterday was Eloise's last day at school and she got invited to a disco-ey thing at Tiddlywinks which (apparently) is some kind of kiddy-friendly cafe type thing. Anyway she was all taken care of and I didn't need to get involved. Good job too, my dancing days are well and truly over.

So I pootled off in the car and went looking for some flowing water - and Cedar Creek seemed like a reasonable bet.

It didn't seem to have picked up much rain though it was still flowing. I'm not sure it ever really stops. But it was very quiet up there: the air was chilly and very still and the only sounds were the birdsong and the babbling water. I spent a happy hour balancing precariously on rocks with the camera.

Tiny is going into a bit of a decline, we got caught out in the rain the other day and she has got a bit of a cough, maybe as a result of that.

The lymphoma is really swelling up her glands at the front of her body and coughing is becoming quite difficult-sounding. She's putting a brave face on it, but the hang-dog look is reaching levels of perfection beyond anything previously achieved.

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