Jun 4, 2010

Eloise and Honey Bear

Eloise and Honey Bear With the onset of winter there are bugs about. Ms Dale the teacher has been ill, Mrs Boone the teacher has been ill. Nicole has been ill.

And now Eloise is a bit ill.

Now I'm not one to be strict, but it's only a headache and a cold. Ibuprofen has miraculous effects upon it. So it's off to school.

Even in the face of comments such as "I don't think I can go to school: I think I may have cancer" it's off to school.

Yesterday when I picked her up at the end of the day Ms Dale reported that she had been listless in the afternoon, so I resolved to deliver Ibu at lunchtime today to keep her up and running.

Also yesterday it seems that we are to play host to Honey Bear, the classroom cuddly friend who is doing the rounds in order to develop the students' journalistic skills.

Eloise is pretty happy about that.

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