Dec 21, 2007

5.30am Aargh!

100 Aargh! I woke up mind-buggeringly early on Sunday morning, and lay awake for a while before thinking that this was actually a bit of a waste of time and that I could maybe go for walk, get lost, find a railway station, go to the Opera House and the Harbour, get lost again, find another railway station, get back home and climb back into bed jus as everyone else woke up and pretend that nothing had really happened.

It would be a little like Little Britain except I'm not wheelchair bound.

Unfortunately, I did get maybe a little lost, though not very, but started to have doubts firstly when a couldn't remember having closed the bedroom door and had awful visions of what Eloise might accomplish with a goldfish were she to awaken and be unsupervised, and secondly when all the walking I was doing began to encourage gastro-intestinal movement, then distress.

So I legged it back to find that I had indeed left the bedroom door open although all were stil blissfully asleep.

So I settled down in front of the television, and spent the next hour trying to work out how to work it.

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