Sep 14, 2007

Off For A Bit... Maybe

Light Breaking Through We're planning to meet Chris up the coast somewhere and go camping.

Realising that with two dogs, a child and a passenger in the car we are having serious stowage issues, lucky Nicole bagged a birthday present for me early, a very romantic roof rack for her car. Lovely! It's soooo streamlined, very feminine curves, and like a good woman will only reduce the fuel efficiency of the car when loaded by an appreciable but tolerable amount.

So that was today, shopping for roof racks and getting camping equipment together. We bagged a camping stove, a table, some chairs and a magic lantern.

The only fly in the ointment is that when we got home after our financial splurgeaganza the nursery phoned to say that Eloise had conjunctivitis and could we please come and get her as soon as possible because they'd been trying to phone us since three o'clock and didn't have our mobile numbers.

So we fetched our little crusty-eyed girl and later on she went to see a doctor and procured the relevant ointment.

So fingers crossed things should still be ship-shape for camping tomorrow. We think we'll go up the coast to Hervey Bay, and probably be away for a few days, three or four maybe.

Yesterday in a fit of cabin fever exacurbated by Eloise's fickle forcefulness we went for a walk in the rainforest in the afternoon. Which was nice. I didn't attempt the previously traumatic descent from Mt Glorious in the dark, prefering the long way round.

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