Jan 6, 2009

Sunrise on a New Year

Sunrise Happy New Year to everybody.

I'm sure you all had a lovely time, subject to the usual climate caveats.

We had a pretty quiet one; Josie and Adam drove up from Melbourne to stay with us for a few days and over-indulged the night before so staying up til midnight was a bit of a struggle for them but during the day we went up to Mount Glorious and had a barbecue on the edge of the rainforest as the sun set.

It was nice and cool in the mountains which was a refreshing change from the torpid heat down in Brisbane.

We've had to go swimming a few times to stay cool. Eloise is gaining confidence and nearly-swimming around. She's loving the waterslides and we had a little diving competition. She needs to work on the diving concept a little; she hasn't mastered the whole "head goes in first" thing.

Planning for the UK-trip-athon is advancing and Nicole has a day-by-day schedule drawn up that takes few prisoners. We're looking forward to it - apart from the flight and the goosepimples.

I seem to remember that getting out of a warm bed into sub-zero air makes my legs excessively itchy. Now there's something to look forward to.

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