Aug 11, 2008


Pony Express On Sunday we bit the bullet and went to the Ekka, that's the Queensland Show for those not familiar with it, much like the Suffolk Show from those from that part of the world, only bigger and in may ways better.

I may be going over old ground but there's a big showground in the middle of town, just opposite Nicole's hospital, which hosts the Ekka once a year. It's bisected by a railway line and in one half there's a big fair with extreme rides and all that jazz, and on the other is a large showground stadium and lots of paviliions full of various exhibitions from livestock and various animals through to crafts and art and the various agricultural industries, and streets of Fatty Food purveyors and the dreaded Showbag Pavilion.

I had a college assignment to discharge there, in which I was at best partially successful, but Eloise didn't let that get in her way and we wandered around Sideshow Alley and the various areas for hours before Eloise found a ride she could actually go on and rode a pony for the first time.

Then we took a cable car ride that went from one end of the showground to the other, which scared her witless and ruined her whole day.

Never mind eh!

Other than that we looked at cows and sheep and alpacas and chicks and horses and ate chips and all that stuff, and we were thouroughly knackered by the end of it.

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