Nov 16, 2006


Nicole has pointed out that in my last post I said that there would be more later on parasites. I forgot. My bad. How could I.

The "more later" is that... there are two more laters really.

More Later 1
The first is that I gave the dogs their worming tablets in their food this morning. I knew that Matilda would wolf hers down, doubtless thinking it some rare delicacy to be enjoyed to the maximum possible is it hurtled over her taste buds (if she even has any) on its helter skelter ride down to the depths of her gullet. I was somewhat less sure that the more discerning Tiny would munch everything in her bowl except the medicine, and leave them, but I thought what the hell, we'll give it a go and I'll keep an eye and force feed her them afterwards if necessary.

Needless to say, something happened, the nature of which I currently and probably conveniently forget, to distract me from doggy breakfast time and when I got round to checking the bowls both were empty leading me to the likely conclusion that Matilda had eaten both sets of tablets and was likely as far as I knew to be headed for a Drontal overdose with attendant diar hee ho ha, dribbling, fits and death.

I induced vomiting by putting a teaspoonful of salt on the back of her tongue, but needless to say this had no effect.

To paraphrase the call to the vet I then made, she told me not to be so silly, you can't overdose a dog on worming tablets, don't worry. Silly old me.

More Later 2
The second more later is that I was giving Matilda a frisk for concealed weapons earlier today, and found a strange lump just underneath and behind her front left leg, which on further inspection turned out to be... shock horror a paralysis tick! All that frontline and she still picked it up. Half an hour of restraint, struggle and wussiness on the dog's part and the deft use of Nicole's fingernails removed most of the beastie from the dog's skin.

Second call to the vet for the day led us to apply Eucalyptus oil and hope for the best basically. The first things to go will be the back legs apparently. Or the throat.

Twelve hours later, nothing has gone, she's still bounding about as she does, so we're probably out of the woods... famous last words?

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