Aug 6, 2011

I, Mac

Just Me and Ma Dawg Grandma Shirley and Grandad Brendan sent Eloise a nice mac.

Eloise wore it to school. I told her she needed to take it off while she was in class. I have it on good authority that as soon as my back was turned, it went back on.

We went to yoga. We had things to do so we left her there. I told her she shouldn't do yoga in it. I have it on good authority that as soon as our backs were turned it went straight back on again.

So, all in all, a success.


  1. I have been following your blog from the beginning when I was researching a holiday to oz. Your daughter is lovely. Love your photographs glad to know you are all doing well.

  2. Good to have you along. Did you ever make it to Straya?
