Nov 20, 2007

Little Miss Grown-Up

One of the girls from work offered us some household and children's clothes as she has recently moved and needs to have a good clear out. We went around there this morning and filled the car up. Catherine's daughter, Sophia, was off from school so they played together. Eloise has been introduced to Play Station and wall-to-wall pink bedrooms - we are doomed.

After Eloise's afternoon nap we sorted through the clothes and were putting them away as they are too big for her at present. Eloise decided she wanted to wear a size 4 skirt which kept hanging around below her pre-pubescent hips. WhenI tried to take it off her she had a tantrum of mammoth proportions. This was one battle I wasn't prepared to engage in and so she spent the rest of the afternoon hitching it up over her hips.

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