Yesterday the wind swung around to the south west and with it came warm air and soaring temperatures. A thermometer we had a look at was registering 38 degrees in the shade, but that was indoors... still it was a bit of a scorcher, I'd even go so far as to say it was quite hot, though the Queenslanders of course were moaning about it being stinking hot...
Still on balance I thought it best to get to the beach early, which was a mistake because the tide was in, so as we sat down for our coffees at half nine or so the dogs were struggling to get in the shade at the cafe.
A lot of apple and strawberry juice got eaten. A bit of sweating got done. And some gardening. We have passion fruit!
Around dusk we went down to the brook to feed the ducks, with Eloise on her bike. By the time we got there the ducks were asleep. So we woke them up by throwing bread at them. You'd think that of all the creatures on Gawd's Good Earth, a duck would be the best at ducking, wouldn't you.
Today wasn't as hot, it was quite pleasant really. We attempted the duck thing again and Eloise rode all the way down there. After assaulting the ducks with Baker's Delight heels we paddled under the bridge looking at the tadpoles and fishies, then she cycled all the way up the path to Lanham Park as far as the bridge next to the soccer field. She then declared she'd had enough and I pushed the bike back the rest of the way. Still I reckon she covered 2km which I think is pretty good.
In the evening we watched the sun set over the Story Bridge and the city and Eloise got lots of twirling, which she loved.
Feb 24, 2008
The Wind Changes
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