In order not to have to do excessive amounts of housework and render our dear abode pristine in every single way we opted to host the party at the local park.
Shelter there is there, which is a good thing because Queensland is being drenched at the moment, and to be honest the whole outside party thing was looking like a bit of a gambit, but ahead we pressed.
She and I invited the neighbours and some kiddies from Nursery and the street, and most of them to our surprise actually said they would come.
So Nicole baked and baked and cooked and mixed and produced a feast of healthy vegetarian goodies for all these people.
Nicky (Chris' girl, in the Michael Jackson sense of the word) came around on the day while I was walking the dogs and foisted gifts upon Eloise the likes of which she has rarely seen, they being Play Doh (cue Homer) and a book.
Eloise slept well that day and Nicole and Nicky departed to prepare the ground leaving me to wake up the scamp.
Which I duly did, and surprise surprise Eloise didn't want to go on the bike. But there was no choice! Then she decided she needed her name, whatever that was, and proceeded to begin the crescendo to a cadenza.
Sensing the signs, I let us back into the house so we could search for the mythical name, and soon we established that the item to which she had been referring was actually an "I am 3" badge.
Crisis over, sleepy Eloise was loaded onto the Bike of Doom and off we went, grousing all the way.
Her face lit up, I am told, two minutes later when her eyes alit upon the balloon-bedecked picnic area and playground.
And soon the guests began to arrive, and, to our surprise they all brought presents, and other consumables.
So Eloise had Valerie, Lewis and Lexie, Paul Carole and Jack, Sue David and Jade and Jackson, Peter and Alice, and Marianna (I meant Marion, Marion, sorry) and Hannah all flocking around with blowing of bubbles and opening of presents and dancing and playing and so on and so forth.
It all went really well in the end, with no mishaps, accidents or disagreements that I noticed. Well done to Nicole for organising it all. And to me for organising it all too. I did chop the vegetables after all.
The thing that Nicole was realy pleased about was the Karmic way in which Eloise snatched a present of Sue I think it was, having established that this was the order of things and giving in to the atavastic acquisitiveness of nascent greed, only later at the cutting of the cake to hand out slices to everyone ahead of herself in a very sweet and somewhat redemptive way.
who is this Marianna?