Nov 25, 2007

Full Moon

The Power of the Waves Eloise was awake and in full effect by 6am Saturday morning, so we gave Nicole a lift to work for her early shift then high-tailed it to the beach with no preparation whatsoever, to be confronted by a high tide and blustery wind which was blowing water in pretty reasonable sized waves (for which read several inches high) across the bay.

We didn't make it far up the beach proper before Madam decided this was all a pretty bad idea so off we went for our coffee and chinos and then to the playground where we mooched around for quite a while.

There's a sea wall just ahead of the playground against which the waves were slapping playfully creating the occasional splash of water. Eloise decided it would be great idea to play around a bit with this, which I took to be a pretext to get her clothes wet then remove them, which of course she did.

I may have mentioned yesterday that one of the Chermise stops was a toyshop where we got lots of paint. These were brought out in the afternoon. The end result was masses of mess and a few interesting Rorschasch diagrams. And a dissatisfied Dad who had to clear up, fighting an unquenchable urge to continue which resulted in half a pint of black paint in a cup whilst distracted on the phone.

We picked Mum up from the airport at seven or so and then watched the election, with the super-efficient Australian system delivering a result by ten o'clock or so. So bye bye John Howard hello Kevin Rudd, let's see if Australian Labour bears any more resemblance to Labour than British Labour does. Wouldn't be hard.

As of tomorrow we're off camping for a few days. We're going to Mount Archer which isn't too far from here, up near Woodford. Should be nice. The campsite seems well appointed with on-site walking tracks, mountains nearby and all that jazz.

Happy trails.

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