Oct 18, 2007


Jacaranda The Jacaranda trees are out in blossom just now, and very nice they look too. Brisbane is punctuated by their lilac blossoms along its roadsides and in its parks. It's very pretty at this time of year.

It's been quite hot, but cooling down for the last couple of days, no doubt in preparation to rain for Dad and Shirley's arrival tomorrow...

They are scheduled to arrive at 11.35am and we will pick them up from the airport around midday. Fingers crossed that their bags will fit in the car, eh?

Consequently Eloise and I today did a spot of housework, though we didn't get around to doing any dusting. Maybe we'll have a last minute panic tomorrow. Probably.

And yesterday we built a clothes-hanging-metal-thingy that Janice has let us have. Neil her husband took it apart and pointed out that attention would need to be paid to some little rubber grommits with the screws, but I was buggered if I could find them. Still it went together OK on the second attempt, with only a couple of pieces left over. As Leonard Nimoy said, true perfection is achieved not when there is nothing left to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

Eloise's toilet habits are progressing well. We are down to one or two wet nappies a day, after sleeping. Otherwise she is asking to go to the toilet and performing number ones three or four times a day.

Number twos are still being deposited in the garden. There's no hurry.

Today's catchphrase has been "What are you doing Neil." I calculate that, on average, she has been uttering said catchphrase once or twice a minute, taking sleep time into account, and given a six-thirty am start, by eight o'clock tonight I reckon 14*60*2=1680 times I've said "Practising the patience of a saint."

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