Feb 19, 2007

Terrible Two Years Old

Racerback Well she's two years old. Although if you take timezones into account we think that maybe her birthday shouldn't start til tomorrow.

We did a little present opening this morning and the haul so far is mostly books, and a little dress which she cracked open previously. She certainly likes her books. The Little Princess is learning how to use her potty and how to say please, and appreciating the results of these behaviours. The Little Princess in the books, that is.

We walked the dogs up and down the brook, stopping off at the Quiescent Cataract of Slowly Flowing Water and the Beatiful Playground Where Every Swing is Subtly Different.

Nicole was keen to get going at 11.30 and get E off to bed. She climbed a tree to grab Squeaky's attention as there was slide action going on. Eloise thought it terribly amusing that Mum was somehow up a tree, but not so terribly amusing that it should interfere with her slide time.

When Eloise wakes up, any minute now, we will go out for lunch at an as yet undecided venue on Kedron Brook Road. I am under orders to take more photos of the Birthday Girl as apparently the University of Queensland just doesn't cut it on the interest front.


1 comment:

  1. I have a terrible image of what it would be like to have triplet Eloises seeing this picture.
