Feb 6, 2007


Neil and Eloise At swimming today it became increasingly clear that E is short on caution to the point where you could reasonably assert either that she has a deathwish, or an excessive trust in her fellow man (i.e. me) or that she doesn't understand the biology of respiration. Perhaps all three.

Enthusiasm ruled as ever with the water wings on, paddling about, blowing bubbles, reaching and holding and doing all the things she should do.

When the waterwings, sorry floaties came off, a little caution crept in when she was being held by me.

However when she wasn't, that is when she was standing on a submerged table and waist high in the water, then caution was thrown to the wind. She would jump up and down with excitement, edging towards the edge - well, how else would you get there - then jump off and into the pool where she wouldn't exactly sink like a stone, but she certainly didn't float... so sinking slowly, arms and legs flapping, until I picked her up and brought her to the surface, where she would emerge giggling and gurgling, simultaneously.

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