Nicole was on an early today. She must have been quiet, or I must have been dead to the world, as I woke up at half past eight without having heard her. Eloise too apparently, who slept in until nine o'clock... how lucky am I!
Just for a change, we didn't watch children's TV this morning as we munched on our toast and ate our yoghourt and muesli. My intention was to try to get out nice and early for a dog walk, but it was raining intermittently and best laid plans of mice and men etc.
The first trauma came when it came to teeth brushing time and Eloise decided she didn't want to use the traditional combination of diddy tooth brush and diddy toothpaste. In fact she didn't know what combination she did want to use, and may have been more interested in some other mythical object which lay on the surface by the sink, because she whinged and whinged and whinged no matter what I gave her until the frustration of our inability to communicate became too much.
The electric toothbrush was running very low on steam so I took it through to charge. At this point she decided that the combination she wanted definitely involved that toothbrush, surprisingly enough, and made off with it. Eventually, after other activities, I got her back and tried to show her how to put it on the charger, but she was having none of this. I held on to her arm as she tried to get away and she turned around and sank her teeth into my finger!
I must confess I lost my rag for a moment and barked at her. Maybe that will prompt some learning.
Just one of a string of traumas today, revolving around such activities as putting sun cream on (and when the suncream has been finished with), the proper way to use paint (with a brush onto pieces of paper, rather than straight from the pot onto whatever takes your fancy), and probably other things I have forgotten. "Choose your battles carefully" the say. "Hah" I say. "Easier said than done"
Later, after Nicole got back from work, we took the dogs down the brook on the bikes as we have been doing regularly lately as part of their training regime (ahem).
At the end we were trying to get Matilda back on the lead and she hoofed it - so I rode after her to find that she had discovered a bone in a flower bed and had gone back to fetch it.
Not wishing to reward her for her little rebellion, after having put her back on her lead, I attempted to relieve her of said bone... and in the mini-fracas got a tooth mark on my fingernail - which I'm sure wasn't deliberate, in retrospect, but at the time I was hopping mad!
And, after bath time, we discovered that Eloise had nobbled the recharged toothbrush, and the toothpaste, and we have no idea where they are....
Lumch: Veggie Burgers with sweet potatoes, courgettes and spinach. Supper: Provencal potatoes.
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