Jan 20, 2007


Heron Bicycles day today.

Nicole was on a late, but one which started at three instead of one, so there was no need for the usual running around, but the tides were wrong for a visit to the beach, though I think I located a likely looking spot at Surfer's Paradise that maybe we'll visit. Some other time.

We went for the usual fallback of a ride down the brook, which took up a couple of hours. At the far end of the off-leash area, past Lutwyche Road is a little footbridge where we stop for a while. Generally a heron hangs around down there; Matilda will explore down there after a few minutes and the heron will flap lazily down the brook when she gets too near.

Then to bed for Eloise, but she wouldn't sleep so we got her up for a spot of lunch - pasta and pesto with salad AU Neil, very tasty - and Nicole went to work.

I tried to get Eloise to have a kip again, and put her to bed with her Animal Cubes toy, but after half an hour of "The Bear - ROOOAR" Eloise got bored and I got her up. We did some drawing, some computing (consisting of her turning the computer off repeatedly) then played some music and jigged around to Propaganda for a while.

There was a shopping list to attend to so we rode up to Woolworth at Stafford City. It was pretty hot - 30 degrees plus today, and I was sweating when we got there. Eloise is becoming quite adept at trooping through the mall crowd and is starting to show some proclivity for the cinema, for which I suspect her attention span is insufficiently developed.

It was around 4.30 and already many of the shops were closed, which is one of the oddities about Aussie shopkeeping hours; the shops shut early on a Saturday. Don't know why.

The ride back was a bit of a struggle as there are some steep (for me) hills to climb and Eloise enjoyed imitating my grunts of exertion. Hopefully she won't do this at inopportune times. Might create the wrong impression.

Did a stir fry for tea. Was actually going to follow a recipe... but had no cornflour, or at least couldn't find it. Fell back to improvisation.

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