Dec 25, 2006

Xmas Barbie

Xmas Barbie After a chilled-out Christmas day of present opening, Skyping, light lunching, and falling-asleep-in-the-hammocking (oh, and cooking) we went out to the beach, and walked up on what's turned out to be a quite warm afternoon with a nice breeze.

On the beach it turned into more of a fairly strong wind, but under cover it was fine, so we availed ourselves of the public bbq, after looking at the imposing looking raincloud which was closing from the west and deciding to have a go at first course even if we couldn't manage dessert.

So four tofu/pepper/tomato kebabs later for me, prawns/lamb/etc for Nicole plus various salads, we laid back as the dogs barked at the ibis hanging around in the car park. Eloise drove her little pram around wot she got as a present today, dressed in her luminous pink dress wot she also got as a present today and I left the video camera wot I got as present today on and ran the batteries out... I think.

Some Japanese people were there, singing along quite badly to a guitar in what seemed like Karaoke only without the synthesiser backing track... but Eloise was jigging along quite merrily. Must work on "taste."

We've had a nice day. We hope you have a nice day too.

Happy Christmas.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:42 PM

    The only Xmax Barbie in our house was one with a red dress! Long gone.
    re front door - time to lock everything up:- esp doors, gates, the VCR (the what?), the drinks cabinet, washing machine, dogs?
    Mr B
