I walked the dogs this morning but I didn't enjoy it. I have a headache, dribbling sinuses and a desire to do nothing. To indulge the dogs we went to Mount Coottha as we do now on Mondays, but instead of the circuit we climbed down Simpson's Falls and followed the creek down which was quite heavy going and approached being minor entertainment I suppose, all things considered.
I washed (washed??? watched! I must have washing on the brain) the Ashes from the comfort of the sofa for the rest of the day. That was enough to send me intermittently asleep. A ate chocolate, crisps and Tim Tams and drank orange juice.
I dragged my self off the sofa and picked Eloise up who became quite upset as we left because I arrived and then they changed her nappy which isn't the way it normally works. It took a bite-size muffin to stop her whingeing.
We spoke to Nicole on Skype, and it's official, the webcam is trashed, well the sound part of it anyway. Actually windows has started compaining the the device isn't recognised now so it's time to locate consumer electronics shop and purchase anew. I do believe Nicole has promised me a bumper pay packet tomorrow.
I am going to bed now with a book. I won't say it's good yet.
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