Today Eloise has come down with something or other. She has been feeling increasingly warm over the last day or two and has been a little under the weather for a little while now. We met up with Nicole this afternoon at the optician (Nicole will sometime get round to telling you how she lost her prescription sunglasses, along with her new Composter and the CD she discovered, etc etc) and she had some hot chocolate with a cook ie and cream. When we got back she was starting to feel properly feverish so we gave her some Calpol type stuff and she was promptly yacking up this foul smelling puke. Poor thing. She's asleep now with the window open and the ceiling fan on and feels a lot cooler.
Hopefully she'll be back on form tomorrow as Nicole has found out about an Art and Photography market down in Fortitude Valley which we fancy going along to, and it's our Bat Boat Expedition on Sunday, so young Squeaky needs to be fighting fit for that!
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