Eloise spent the afternoon drawing abstract works of art on every available surface, mostly paper thankfully, but also magazines, one of her books, till receipts, the wall, and herself. The background music to this creative activity was Elgar and Vaughan Williams, as well as Mahler and Holst. Punctuating the classical music was the somewhat more contemporary Front 242, Future Sound of London and Groove Armada.
Later we drove out to Mt Glorious to take in the sunset. The lookout we went to has a boardwalk which reaches out over the hilltop. It is "conceptually circular" in that you can walk around it, and come back to where you started. It is probably 100 metres around, and you can't see one side from the other as a hill is in the way. Oh the hilarity as I
- snapped off a piccie of the sunset, then
- chased the child who had run off in the meantime,
- chased by the dogs. We didn't know who was chasing who, but Eloise was shrieking with delight the whole time.
- I would escort Squeaky then back to the viewpoint.
- Repeat until tired.
We got back to find the fullest nappy it has been my dubious please to empty for some quite considerable time. It's possible it could have been my driving. The Mt Glorious road is extremely hairy.
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