With all this the little tyke was getting impatient to go out. She signalled this by firstly climbing into her pram, then looking at me meaningfully, whilst saying "Ugh!" and then tugging on the car door, then looking at me meaningfully, whilst saying "Ugh!" Her language skills are definitely coming on.
So I eventually relented, and opened up the car door, and in she climbed, though she made it pretty clear that she wasn't too happy about getting in the back in cattle class. She signalled this by tugging on the front door handle, then looking at me meaningfully.
Keys in the ignition - check. Immiboliser tweaked - check. Foot on clutch - check. Engage engine! Chug chug chug clickclickclickclick.
Do I hear the sound of an engine firing into life?
Thoughts spring to mind, such as: oh my god, did I fill it up the other day with the right kind of petrol? Is it some terminal problem? When I opened up the bonnet to check the oil levels etc (yes I really did that) did I jog something, maybe dislodge a nut or brush against a widget which has caused the car to cease functioning? Will RACQ come out, will I need to call out a mechanic, will it be fixed in time for the Sydneython? Will it be safe to drive on the Sydneython? Will we need to hire a car? Can we wing dogs in a hire car?
To cut a long story short I phoned the RACQ and after a little farting around (their records were in Cate's maiden name) they came out within 20 mins and a nice South African bloke diagnosed a dud battery, flogged me a new one, fitted it and off we went to buy dog beds.
We got dog futons. Posh! As if.

We set off and got back just as darkness was descending.
I have booked the accomodation for the Sydneython. We are staying in Armidale on the way down and Nambucca Heads on the way back.
We're looking forward to liberating the dogs from the totalitarian bureacrats who have forced them into bondage and incarceration. I spoke to Candice, one of the totalitarian bureacrats, today. She seemed like a very nice lady.
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