Oct 24, 2006


This afternoon we went to our second swimming lesson at the John Carew Swimming School. It's on the other side of town at Indooroopilly, but even though Eloise's nap went on a little longer than planned and our lunch of vegetable samosas was a bit of a rush job, somehow we got there in plenty of time.

The classes are a bit different to what we're used to with good old Merbabies - none of that singing and playing nonsense. It's hardcore teaching from start to finish.

First the water wings ("floaties") go on. Then straight away it's grab onto the sides of the pool - the babies that is - then a length, supported blowing bubbles, then a length, support blowing bubbles and kicking legs. Then a length, swimming free, which is where it all goes a bit pear shaped as Eloise is actually much more interested in what everyone else is doing than what she is supposed to be - i.e. swimming towards me, blowing bubbles. Oh well.

Then we play a game of sit sproggy on the edge of the pool, get her to fall in, she then turns around, swims to the edge and holds on. Does very well. Repeat five times.

Then out comes a mat which floats on the surface and we play a great game of get your baby to walk from one end of the wobble wet mat to the other and jump into Dad's arms, which is great fun for Eloise and most of the other seven kids, but for one unfortunate it's all a bit scary and he bails out.

Then a game of get your baby to perform, as above, then jump straight into the pool. Which Eloise does with aplomb, jumping in with the biggest grin on her face and going deep into the water before I pull her back up, coughing a bit but still happy.

Then all the kiddies on the mat are ferried to the side boat style and the lesson is over. Fun fun fun!

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