Apr 16, 2015

Attention to Dentition

Not entirely inexplicably, Eloise doesn't much like going to the dentist. Last time, Ellwyn, bless him, under instructions from Nicole, put on his stern face for Eloise in the ongoing campaign to deter thumb-sucking, and Eloise doesn't respond well to stern-ness.

Now Ellwyn has moved on and we have a new dentist-person, a very friendly lady by the name of Alice who has a child Lyra's age. Nicole got her noshers seen to, and Eloise was given a clean bill of health with her pins still perfectly preserved if not perfectly positioned.

The photo is of Eloise with her flouride gum-guards on. Mass medication, I tell you! She wasn't happy about it.

While all this was going on, Lyra and I were gallivanting around the place, playing with toys in the reception area, exploring the rooms in between, some of which were unfortunately occupied, discovering the receptionist doing a bit of furtive texting, and going back to visit Mum and Eloise in the Daunting Chair.

We chatted with the boss-man who has a child Lyra's age, and real handful, so he claimed, regaling us with stories of what seemed like frankly slight misbehaviour in supermarkets and apparently minor sleeping misdemeanours.

When Lyra let loose with one of her foundation-shaking screams he took it all back, and retreated, laughing gently to himself and shaking his head to clear the ringing in his ears.

Lyra wouldn't get in the chair. We looked on it as an exercise in light familiarisation.

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