Nov 2, 2014

Birthday Smellebrations

We weren't up bright and early this morning. After another Wet and also Wild session yesterday, we were very very tired last night and a quick repast of signature pasta (rhyming with raster) and pesto bedtime was enforced ruthlessly. Eloise sneaked off with the tablet though and sneakily watched videos for a while before she was busted and sent off for time-out in the Land of Nod.

We didn't even get around to present opening until about ten o'clock; Eloise and I mooched around downstairs while Nicole was preparing a gourmet apple-and-pear-pikelet breakfast with fruits of the forest and honeyed yoghourts (rhyming with Boggarts). We however were building Lyra's present, an apparently parentally-influenced trikey thing with which Lyra is very taken, or taking: we will see.

Eloise and Lyra shared (ha!) present-opening responsibilities; there weren't that many, more are to arrive, but those that were available were warmly appreciated.

We had decided to go out for the day and Nicole had baked a cake (naturally). She was fretting about it not going to waste and so was hatching a crackpot plan to get back and invite people around to eat it but we deferred any decision on that until later.

In the meantime we nipped off up the D'Aguilars and had a picnic at Mount Nebo, in a little woodland glade with cool clear mountain air, the wind rustling through the trees, bird calling out above us, blah blah, all the usual guff.

After lunch we embarked on a short 1km jaunt around a little circuit that takes the alert walker from eucalypt forest through the transition to rainforest, a short walk that it soon became clear would take us several hours. 

Then Lyra crapped herself, setting the tone, and the title.

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