Eloise received a glowing report card, from which I will quote:
Eloise is an enthusiastic, cooperative and helpful student who always works hard and is keen to please. She is an active participant in class and group activities and makes an effort to achieve her best. Eloise has a caring nature and charming personality and she has developed good peer relationships. Basic skills are progressing nicely and Eloise has continued to demonstrate greater confidence when attempting more challenging tasks. I have been impressed with the support for all homework tasks. Well done Eloise for a great semester!
So we are very proud of little Eloise, especially her reading which has come on in leaps and bounds.
Speaking of leaps and bounds we had the not entirely unblemished pleasure of being admitted to her last week of dancing classes to observe her leaping and bounding around in her ballet, tap, jazz, kicks and turns and acrobatics classes.
We ended up going to half of them, from the graceful ballet to the ear-pounding tap to the death-defying acrobatics. She is amazingly supple and very very agile!
Now we are on school holidays and the holiday routine of dog-walking, museum-browsing and friend-playing.
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