Valerie over the road has a new dog, a little puppy called Lottie.
Lottie is Eloise's new best friend.
When she gets home from school, invariably her first request is to go and visit Lottie. This can get a little monotonous, but gives me a chance to rehearse the arguments, to wit: a) she is not our dog, b) we have a dog of our own, c) you can't go into someone else's house all the time.
This generally cuts little ice and sheer pester power usually leads to a time-limited compromise.
So Eloise lets herself out of the gate, crosses the road (very sensibly), opens Valerie's gate, and the yapping begins.
Lottie is very fond of jumping up, and of sticking her tongue up people's noses.
Eloise is very fond of picking Lottie up, and sticking her underneath her arm.
Sometimes Eloise comes back in the allotted time, which is nice.
Sometimes Lottie comes back with her, which is less so.
Matilda kind of likes having Lottie come over, in an aloof kind of way. Lottie likes to jump up, and to stick her tongue up her nose.
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