Jun 20, 2010

Life Without the Internet

Kite Flying Nicole was catching up on Dr Who last week when the internet de-activated itself and started working with irresponsible slowness.

We were scratching our heads for a little while until I saw an email from Telstra to tell us that we'd used our data allocation for this month, thanks very much, and we'd been slowed down to dial up speed for the rest of it.

The internet these days is intolerable at dial up speeds. Nothing much works. It's painful.

So no more Youtube for Eloise, no Facebooking for Nicole, no Flickr for me.

Instead we've been out and about, making kites at the QPAC for the Out of the Box Festival thingy, most of which we missed - a festival for under-eights bizarrely scheduled during school time.

Also barefoot bowls with the Prep D Posse where precious little bowling was done by me, but it was quite good fun. And you do have to take your shoes off to tread the perfect turf.

You Englishers will be delighted to hear that once again it's been pretty much a rain-free week with warm daytime temperatures of around 22 or so. At night though it's been mighty chilly.

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