Jan 7, 2010

New Year

The Moment For New Years, after a week of barbies, swimming, walking, loafing, being rained upon, etc, we went to South Bank in the afternoon, where we swum in the very warm pool next to the artificial beach.

On the grass then amid the burgeoning crowds eating picnic whilst sproglet made a little friend with whom she argued around the playground. Inviegled her way into friend's mother's affections. Seen kissing friend's mother. Positively machiavellian.

Tried to find spot to take photos of fireworks show when 8.30 came around. Crowds thronging riverside. Difficult to find spot.

Found spot but when fireworks went off were up river where I had started! Only two blimmin barges involved - fireworks not scaled for size of crowd at all.

Clearly Brisbane focussing its energies on Riverfire and giving in to competition on NYE from Sydney.

Oh well.

Went home. Watched Lord of the Rings. Watched proper fireworks on telly. Went to bed.

Happy New Year. Happy New Decade. End of the Noughties.

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