Sep 17, 2009

Domestic Bliss

Domestic Bliss Cross words today...

Nicole had to go to the doctors for her allergen jabs. If she was lucky and she got seen in good time we might have been able to pick her up on the way to swimming. Time would have been pressing though so it would have been useful for Eloise to be in her swimming costume before we left.

Me: "Can you put your swimming costume on please Eloise because... (simplified explanation of above)"

Eloise: "No."

Me: "It would be really useful."

Eloise: "Don't want to."



Eloise has washed hands with soap, new smelly soap. Hasn't washed soap off.

Nicole: "Can you go and wash the soap off your hands please"

Eloise: "No."

Nicole: "You don't want to get soap in your eyes, it would hurt."

Eloise: "Can't be bothered."



At school where we are attending our induction interview. Eloise is watching the admin lady do photocopying.

Me: "Eloise can you come back to the waiting room please, that's where we have to wait for the lady to come and see us."

Eloise: "No."

Me: "You're saying No an awful lot today."


Getting ready to walk dogs.

Nicole: "Eloise do you want to come and walk the dogs with us?"

Eloise: "No."

Nicole: "But we have to walk the dogs and I want to go and get some fresh air."

Eloise: "No. I want to stay here and I want you to stay here with me."


At supper. Supper eaten. Need to clear dishes away. Eloise is sitting on my lap.

Me: "Eloise, please can you get off my lap and sit on your chair."

Eloise: "No."

Me: "I'm a bit tired of you saying no today. It would be nice if just once you were to say yes."

Eloise: "No."

Nicole: "No ice cream for you then."

Eloise gets off lap. Tears.


Bed-time. Tidying up time.

Me: "Eloise you need to tidy up that pile of clothes please."

Eloise: "No."

Me: raised eyebrows.

Eloise: "Sorry! Yes!"

Tidies up.

Eloise: "Can I have ice cream now?"


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