Jun 2, 2008


Rainy Days are Like Buses A bit of a troubled night last night as the rain yammering down most of the day yesterday increased in intensity overnight and we were treated to the tin-roof white-noise sensual experience.

Nicole woke me up before 7 suggesting that I might like to give her a lift into work, as the deluge was continuing and it seemed pointless, harsh even, to cycle in with Eloise out back.

So we got her dropped off at work at 8 and Eloise into Nursery shortly thereafter, then I went hunting for a parking space in Spring Hill, unsuccessfully.

I ended up in good old reliable South Bank for my $12 all-day parking and stomped across the bridge in my weatherproof thongs getting sprayed by buses, then through town and to the college. Would you believe it was 9.45 after all the traffic that I got there.

I handed my first assignment in today, 19 colour transparencies full of colour, shape, texture and patterns. We'll see how many of them are dismissed as rubbish in a couple of weeks time.

In the meantime today was black and white and we learned something about home film processing. And got given some more homework.

I may have neglected to mention that we have another Slimm in residence at the moment; Nicole's cousin George and his travelling-buddy Ant are stopping with us for a couple of days while they try to sell their van and embark upon young peoples' adventures in the tropics.

They're very well-behaved and play the guitar a lot, as that branch of the Slimms seem prone to do.

Which is nice.

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